Programme Interred Next MED 2021-2027

Programme Interred Next MED 2021-2027 - Foto di JanneG da Pixabay Interreg NEXT MED 2021-2027 - Abstract of the call for projects



The Interreg NEXT Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme (Interreg NEXT MED) covers the two shores of the Mediterranean and is the largest cooperation programme on the EU external border, implemented under the transnational strand of the European Territorial Cooperation goal.

As compared to previous editions, in 2021-2027 the Programme will expand its territorial and financial size to cover 15 countries, with a budget allocation of more than EUR 253 million.

Through a broad multi-step analysis and consultation process involving national authorities, key stakeholders and regional actors, the participating countries have identified the following policy objectives that best reflect the common challenges of the cooperation area:

  • A more competitive and smarter Mediterranean by promoting innovative and smart economic transformation through Research and Innovation (R&I), sustainable growth and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) competitiveness to help reduce disparities and contribute to socioeconomic integration;
  • A greener, low-carbon and resilient Mediterranean supporting the transition towards a net zero carbon economy by promoting clean and fair energy transition, green and blue investment, circular economy, climate change mitigation and adaptation;
  • A more social and inclusive Mediterranean to provide learning opportunities, ensure equal opportunities and socio-economic integration and also to improve access to health care through the use of digitalization and technological innovation;
  • A better cooperation governance for the Mediterranean by promoting joint activities for knowledge sharing, enhancing cooperation with partners and the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders.


Both public and private entities operating in Programme countries, including Third Sector entities and International Organizations, are eligible to participate in the call.

Eligible Interventions

The Programme has defined three different categories of projects, each with a specific set of characteristics:

  • Thematic projects: this type of project accounts for the bulk of the call for proposals and can be submitted under priorities 1, 2 and 3. They must focus on the joint development and testing of innovative solutions that help address challenges related to the priority in question and the relevant specific objective.  Potential applicants should consider scale-up of solutions that have already been developed using existing results and whose efficiency has been demonstrated under previous initiatives and implemented projects.
  • Youth-oriented projects: the youth section aims to enable young people to take action in the Interreg NEXT MED Program through their participation in project design and implementation. Projects can only be submitted under Priorities 1, 2 and 3 and are allocated a maximum of 20 percent of the budget for these Priorities. Proposed project proposals must meet at least one of the eligibility: partnership including at least 2 organizations whose majority of staff involved in management are between the ages of 18 and 30; partnership including at least 2 organizations whose main mission is to work for youth. Proposals must offer services primarily to young people.
  • Governance projects: mainly related to priority 4 "Better governance of cooperation for the Mediterranean" and its specific objective 4.1. These projects aim to improve the capacity of public authorities and other stakeholders to effectively design and deliver public services that target the socioeconomic and environmental well-being of citizens and places, particularly at the local (regional/municipal) level.


Euro 253.325.779.

Updates and Links

Programme Document

30 Dec 2023
Audiovisivo, Trasporti, Alimentare, Commercio, Ict, Agricoltura, Pubblica amministrazione, Servizi, Affari marittimi, Agroalimentare, Industria, Sociale, Cultura, Costruzioni, Turismo
€ 253 325 779
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